"The launch of the report titled ‘From Promise to Impact, End Malnutrition by 2030’ in Dar es Salaam is a continuation of similar launches held in several cities across the world including Beijing, Johannesburg, Nairobi, New Delhi, New York, Stockholm and Washington DC, '' he mentioned.
He said the report will act as an important advocacy tool in efforts to fight malnutrition in the country since it shows the general picture of the state of nutrition worldwide covering 129 countries including Tanzania.
The report was published by the committee of experts in nutrition led by Lawrence Haddad, a renowned researcher and nutrition champion globally. Being involved in the report, Tanzania has a chance to make self-assessment and take appropriate measures.
Mentioning the goals of the report, Mikindo said the report’s aim is to review and evaluate resolutions to reduce malnutrition in the global arena. He implored the government to increase political commitment in all matters related to nutritional agenda and make sure that the government increases its domestic resources in addressing malnutrition in the country,’’ he added.
According to him other objectives are to encourage collective accountability at all levels of governance that would help the country to end malnutrition and emphasize consideration of World Health Assemblies targets in the fight against malnutrition.
The Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania (Panita) is a coalition aimed at bringing together civil society across the country, all nutrition relevant sectors, the media, policy makers and other groups. Its aim is to mobilize the community on issues of nutrition to eradicate malnutrition.
The Global Nutrition Report is the only independent and comprehensive annual review of the state of the world’s nutrition. It is a multi-partner initiative that holds a mirror up to successes and failures at meeting intergovernmental nutrition targets.
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