July 22, 2016
For Immediate Release
The Hon Musalia Mudavadi has a short while ago issued a statement purportedly insinuating that the Rt. Hon Raila Odinga insulted the Luhya community as being “wajinga.” We find the said statement by Hon Mudavadi completely unfortunate and hopelessly opportunistic because at no single moment has Rt. Hon Raila insulted the luhya community especially given the strong roots between his lineage and the Mulembe nation.
July 22, 2016
For Immediate Release
The Hon Musalia Mudavadi has a short while ago issued a statement purportedly insinuating that the Rt. Hon Raila Odinga insulted the Luhya community as being “wajinga.” We find the said statement by Hon Mudavadi completely unfortunate and hopelessly opportunistic because at no single moment has Rt. Hon Raila insulted the luhya community especially given the strong roots between his lineage and the Mulembe nation.

The Rt. Hon Raila has only addressed himself to the idea of a unified national movement geared towards delivering the third and final liberation of our country by urging the Luhya community to espouse the idea of Ukenya that seeks to pull our aspirations together and build a prosperous inclusive nation as opposed to the tribal balkanization being perpetuated by the incompetent Jjubilee regime.
For Hon Musalia, being one of the leaders seeking the presidency to talk about luhya consciousness instead of Kenyan consciousness is not only unfortunate but tragically reckless. He immediately triggers feelings of exclusion of others before he can even get the opportunity to lead. The political doctrine being pursued by Hon Musalia now marks a major contradiction of a man who has always bandied himself around as a safe pair of hands. The Kenyan state cannot be in a safe pair of hands with a man who is seeking to build a tribal enclave for his own selfish motives.
Let it be known that one of the biggest problems bedeviling our nation today is the politics of tribalism and exclusion visited on us by the Jubilee leadership. The doctrine of tribalism and exclusion is a political tool crafted and wielded by Jubilee. We must rise to the occasion and avoid falling for this trap. Indeed the 2010 Kenya constitution in a move calculated to nip tribal politics in the bud imposes a high threshold for one to be elected president by requiring that a candidate garners at least 25% of votes cast in 24 counties and at the same time secure more than half of all the votes cast in the election.
It therefore remains confounding to all observers as to what drives the motives behind Hon Mudavadi’s incessant personal attacks against the Rt. Hon Raila Odinga. He has consistently led his supporters to believe that he is in pursuit of the Presidency yet spends all his time pouring vitriol on the Leader of the Opposition leaving the excesses of the Jubilee Administration unchecked. The Rt. Hon Raila Odinga holds no grudge against his former Deputy nor any other leader for that matter and only seeks a united nation for the betterment of all.
We invite Musalia to rise up to the Kenyan dream and instead pursue the much higher ideals of Kenyan consciousness that will yield a unified and prosperous nation aspired to by our people.
Norman Magaya
Chief Executive Officer
CORD Secretariat
Norman Magaya
Chief Executive Officer
CORD Secretariat
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