I once opined that the confabulation purported to resolve the IEBC debacle is a waste of time and just an attention diverter. I aforesaid that the so called parliamentary negotiants led by Jubilee’s Chepkonga were destined at making recommendations that would assoil Hassan and his team hence provide a soft landing for President Kenyatta in 2017.The entire schmooze sounded like Mary Poppin’s supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
The unhidden truth is that this regime is in office to amass wealth and they need a firm ladder to take them there. Apparently, it is not a crime to steal in Kenya and that is why no big thief ever goes to jail here.
Although we have endured this tradition right from independence, I don’t think Kenyans can take it anymore. I always say that this country is bleeding from all openings; the mouth, the nose and even the anus.
The level of unemployment under this regime is unprecedentedly at the peak: 70-80 per cent! Yet we claim we have a digital government. Under this regime, appointment letters are delivered only to those toadies who kowtow to this regime by paying jumbo bribes to some syndicates or those that that are recommended by government allied Governors, Senators, Members of Parliament, Cabinet Secretaries and senior directors in parastatals.
Fellow Kenyans, we have enough reasons, therefore, to fear that if we transit to another round of election with such baggage on board, this country won’t survive. The stakes are too high already. Everyone in this administration is seeking political power because it is the only sanctuary remaining in these days of burglary, bank robbery, kidnapping terrorist activities and other violent crimes.
In Africa, this administration has the highest number of richest blokes per square kilometre. These are the people that were paupers yesterday and suddenly turned rich. None of them can show you a tree in their father’s compound where they overharvest their huge monies from. That is a good reason why they’ll protect IEBC with their lives so that it retains them in powers as they heist the little taxpayer’s resources that is left.
So far, IEBC has not explained to Kenyans what happened to the BVR kits that were destined to malfunction when Raila was leading. They have not afforded Kenyans the tangible reasons why the same kits resuscitated miraculously without anybody fixing them, and worked well after Uhuru was illegally declared President.
This administration has not told Kenyans why the receiver of a bribe is languishing in jail somewhere in a British jail whereas the giver (Isaak Hassan) – the one that is supposed to bear the greatest punishment – is freely gallivanting and farting on the streets of Nairobi.
If we leave the current IEBC team to oversee the next election, there is no gainsaying that there can never be free fair and credible elections.
The stay of IEBC at the helm engenders depressing Brobdingnagian consequences. In that case, winners must emerge by hook and crook.
Raila must not go to sleep until Hassan and his team evacuate. He must not stage any post-election protest after his victory is stolen. The fact remains that the best post-election rioters can do is to harm their fellow innocent and poor Kenyans. They can only destroy the property and kill but cannot overthrow the government whether elected or self-installed unless Adolf Hitler was on point when he said, “It is easy for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than a good leader be discovered by an election”
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